The ROPP Leadership Team!

We are growing and going!
We thank God for the willing hearts of these participants. Will you please take a moment and pray for them? Pray that their contributions into the lives of ROPP participants will be magnified and Jesus' name!


Rev. N. Jordan Mkwanazi
Email Pastor Mkwanazi

ROPP Director
Sis. Lisa Grant Davis
Email Sis. Lisa

ROPP Advisor/ Consultant
Bro. Dr. Eric McDaniel
Email Bro. Dr. Eric

ROPP Administrative Coordinator
Sis. Yolanda Gary Fisher
Email Sis. Yolanda

ROPP Consultant/ YPD Liaison
Sis. Deborah Franklin
Email Sis. Deborah

2011-2012 ROPP MENTORS:

Sis. Constance Kennedy  Email Sis. Constance
Bro. Milton Howard  Email Bro. Milton
Sis. Cynthia Harry  Email Sis. Cynthia
Bro. Anthony Johnson Email Bro. Anthony
Sis. LeBerta Ballage Email Sis. LeBerta
Bro. Ken Ballage Email Bro. Ken
Sis. Joyce Jordan  Email Sis. Joyce
Bro. Olden Jordan Email Bro. Olden

Mark Your Calendar!

Please review the dates below for all Metro ROPP-related activities for the 2011-2012 year. Any and all dates are subject to change, so check back regularly to verify your commitments.

March 2011
21- Mentor and ROPP Team** Invitations Extended
April 2011
             4- Mentor/ ROPP Team Acceptance Deadline
            17- Presentation of ROPP/ Team
                   ROPP Participant Invitation Extended
27- ROPP Team Meeting (Pastor, ROPP Team)-  5:30PM
May 2011
          11- ROPP Team Meeting (ROPP Team) 5:30PM
          25- ROPP Team Meeting (Pastor, ROPP Team)-  5:30PM                         
June 2011
           8- ROPP Team Meeting (ROPP Team)-  5:30PM
         19- ROPP Participants Announced
         22- ROPP Team Meeting (Pastor, ROPP Team)-  5:30PM

July 2011 
            6- ROPP Team Mtg (ROPP Team)-  5:30PM        
          20- ROPP Team Mtg (Pastor, ROPP Leadership, Mentors)-  5:30PM
          23- ROPP Participant Orientation (Pastor, ROPP Team, Parents, 
               Participants, BFF, Mentors, Interested Persons)- 5:00 PM

August 2011
Religion/ Spirituality
            6- Core Area Event  (Participants) 8:30AM- 12:30PM
          15- ROPP Team Meeting (ROPP Leadership, Mentors)-  6PM

          31- Core Area Challenge

September 2011

            3- Core Area Event  8:30AM- 12:30PM
         19- ROPP Team Meeting-  6PM        
         30- Core Area Challenge

October 2011
Sexual Health
            1- Core Area Event (Participants)- 8:30AM- 12:30PM
         17- ROPP Team Meeting (Pastor, ROPP Leadership, Mentors)-  6PM
         29- QUIZ BOWL 2011!!!        
         31- Core Area Challenge  

November 2011 
Setting Goals/ Strength in Numbers    
           12- Core Area Event  (Participants)-  8:30AM- 12:30PM
         21- ROPP Team Meeting (ROPP Leadership Only)-  6PM        
         30- Core Area Challenge
December 2011
Hygiene/ Etiquette/ Fashion
            3- Core Area Event (Participants)- 8:30AM-12:30PM
         11- ROPP Team Meeting (ROPP Team)-  12:30 (After Church)
         15- An Evening Out (ALL ROPP Participants)
         31- Core Area Challenge

January 2012
Automotive (Males)
Interior Design (Females)
            7- Core Area Event (Participants)- 8:30AM- 12:30PM
         16- ROPP Team Mtg (Pastor, ROPP Team, Mentors, Finale
               Volunteers)-  6PM

         23- ROPP Team Mtg- 6PM
         31- Core Area Challenge

February 2012
Black History
            4- Core Area Event (Participants)- 8:30-12:30PM
         15- ROPP Team Meeting (ROPP Leadership, Mentors, Finale Volunteers)- 6PM
         29- Core Area Challenge  
March 2012
Program Wrap-Up
            3- Last Day for Make-up Challenges (with Approval)
         12- ROPP Team Meeting (ROPP Leadership, Mentors, Finale Volunteers)- 6PM
         16- 2012-2013 Mentor/ ROPP Team Invitations Extended
April 2012
Closure/ Finale Prep
            1- ROPP Meeting (ROPP Team, Finale Volunteers)- 1PM
         15- 2012-2013 ROPP Mentor/ Team Acceptance Deadline
         14- ROPP Meeting (Pastor, ROPP Team, Participants, Mentors, Finale Volunteers)-
         28- Formal Grand Finale- 6PM-10PM
May 2012
         18-19- Graduation Weekend

Because They Belong to Us!

So, what exactly is a Rites of Passage Program and why do we need one at Metropolitan?

Well, I've come to learn and appreciate that Rites of Passage Programs (ROPP) come in a wide range of forms and structures and have varying objectives. The concept originated in many African cultures, in which young men and women were separated from  their communities for a period of time to be taught important concepts that would enable them to be productive and active members of their societies. At the end of the seclusion period, a grand ceremony was held to acknowledge their journey, bid their childhood goodbye and welcome them as fully participating members of the community with a voice.

Despite all the differences, one thing most ROPPs believe in common is the recognition that preparation is needed when one is transitioning from one phase of life into another. With all of the emotional, physical, academic and social stressors that accompany moving from adolescence into adulthood, it is appropriate that the seasoned elders of the church body create a blueprint for those coming behind desiring to build a productive life.

At Metropolitan, our ROPP is an intense, intentional and intergenerational skill development program with a holistic approach to the healthy development of our youth.

Why Do We Need a Rites of Passage Program?

So many factors contribute to the need for such a program! They include, but are not limited to: the natural requirement for guidance into adulthood, a high rate of fatherlessness, an increasingly disconnected community and unhealthy influences on young minds.

Because we have so much at stake in the proper development of our young men and women, we aim to commit a year of targeted development in key areas to each ROPP participate and eagerly await the day they say, "It was challenging, but I'm glad I did it!"

There are many untapped resources in the body of Metropolitan that we should and intend to utilize as an investment in the lives of our young people and the health of the church. Building intimate, trustworthy relationships between the generations secures the church's continuity and strength for the future.

Follow this blog for critical ROPP information. Key dates, participant and volunteer blog entries will keep you up to speed to the wonderful things God is doing with the resources at Metropolitan, The Fountain of Praise!


Sis. Lisa
Director, ROPP