We Are Black History

Our February Core Focus was Black History Month. In celebration of our history in America, ROPP candidates each memorized excerpts from speeches from important black Americans and presented the dramatizations during morning worship service.

ROPP Candidate Zuri portrayed Jarena Lee- the first female to be ordained to preach by Bishop Richard Allen.
ROPP Candidate Leander Thompson portrayed Bishop Daniel Alexander Payne, one of the Four Horsemen of the AME church and scholar.
ROPP Candidate Tiffany Henderson portrayed Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, the first black U.S. congresswoman and first major-party black candidate for the president of the United States.
ROPP Candidate Sterlin Rivers portrayed Attorney General Eric Holder, the first Black (and currently serving) US Attorney General.

After worship service, ROPP hosted its annual "We Are Black History" Exhibit and Soul Food Dinner. ROPP Candidates Tiffany and Zuri also presented artifacts from their family's collection. Zuri displayed a quilt made by her late paternal great-grandmother, Phyllis Smith. She shared that until her death, a quilt was made for every grandchild and great grandchild.
Tiffany shared her father, Gerald Henderson's Pearce Middle School yearbook and described how interesting it was to see her father in his youth.
Elder Metropolitan members shared photos and memorabilia that spanned many decades.

The whole day was a true group effort! Bro. Dr. Eric, our parents and leadership team worked hard to get the Soul Food dinner prepared and served. Everything was delicious: Fried chicken, broccoli and rice casserole green beans, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes, rolls and red kool-aid! You would never know by looking at them the many obstacles thrown in their way as they worked in the kitchen. To God be the glory for positive attitudes and a spirit of unity!!

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