ROPP Orientation/ September Core Focus

The ROPP 2012-2013 year has officially begun and the first day of September was full!
The four ROPP candidates, parents and ROPP leaders met for the first time. Candidates received an overview of program requirements and scheduled activities for the year.

ROPP Candidates took a close look at the core beliefs of Christianity and the AME denomination. They reviewed the AME Motto: "God Our Father, Christ Our Redeemer, the Holy Spirit Our Comforter, Humankind Our Family", The Apostles Creed and learned that there are 25 Articles of Our Faith.
Candidate Davonte was the first to complete a puzzle that reflected The Apostles Creed AND recited it from memory. It helps to be an engaged church member! He will receive a $5 gift card to a local restaurant for his accomplishment.

After focusing on our own religious beliefs, we ventured over to The Friends Meeting of Austin, where Quakers welcomed us to learn about their beliefs and style of worship. After sitting in the meeting circle with them, we participated in a brief "silent worship" and several candidates were moved to share their gratitude for the opportunity. We all agreed that the Quakers were very nice and that the experience was a valuable one!

ROPP returned to the Nueces Mosque on the UT campus for a second year. Candidates were allowed to tour the facility, which included their conference room, recreational areas, Wudu (cleansing) space and prayer hall. In the prayer hall, Sana, a Muslim student, shared a presentation of Islam, which covered their beliefs and requirements.After Sana spoke, the Imam (priest), answered questions about Muslim dress and customs. ROPP candidates learned that shoes are removed before entering most areas in which Muslim business/ prayer is being conducted. Candidates were invited to help themselves to a wide range of pamphlets that explain common questions of Islam. Upon leaving, we were offered tasty cupcakes!

Core Focus CHALLENGE for September:

- Select 10 AME Articles of Faith to explain in your own words. Use at least 3 sentences for each.
   ( is a good resource)
- In a short essay, describe the similarities and differences between Christianity and the Quaker and Muslim religions we experienced.

DUE DATE: 9/30/12, Midnight