Academic Core Focus Continues

Three of the four ROPP Candidates are juniors in high school this year.
Metropolitan member, Michael Pratt, extended an invitation to a recruitment event by one of his alma maters, Southwestern University. The event was called a "Road Show", and it was held at Maggiano's, an Italian restaurant in The Domain.

Candidates Devoreaux, Davonte and DaJour attend the Southwestern University Road Show at Maggiano's.

Each high school student was asked to introduce themselves to the room, sharing their grade, school, future aspiration and reason for attending the Road Show. Our candidates were clear and engaging!

We Park Hard for the Money!

Sunday, October 7th, ROPP candidates took advantage of a fundraising opportunity. They assisted attendees of the Jamaica! festival/ carnival being held at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church down the street with parking safely in our lot for a donation. In the middle of a warm season, the temperature dropped dramatically, but our loyalty and commitment held firm. We put on our jackets, drank our hot chocolate and warmed each other with smiles and fellowship! Rev. Baker surprised us with a special spiced tea and chicken salad sandwiches. The monies raised will help fund the reception for the quiz bowl, out major Fall fundraiser!
Not pictured: Candidate Davonte, who was a great help before he had to leave. Candidate Gabriel and Candidate DaJour's mothers hung in there with us, offering food and running to get change for us when we needed it. That's how we ROPP and Roll: together!

October 2012 Core Focus

Whoo!!! Today was chock full of activity!

We started at the Blackshear Garden, where Bro. Anthony provided an overview and the candidates received their ROPP Garden Projects. Candidates will have a choice of: a) planting a vegetable bed at the community garden, b) planting a flower and/or vegetable bed at home or c) creating an inside herb garden at home.

Afterwards, we headed over to the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity House, where Bro. Dr. Eric shared some Alpha history and shared an academic preparedness presentation.

At the Alpha House, ROPP candidates received General Information packets about the 2012 Quiz Bowl and learned that the Drum Majors of Round Rock accepted the challenge to compete. Candidate Devoreaux was selected to be the 2012 ROPP Quiz Bowl Team Captain.

Once, we finished at the Alpha House, we headed over to H-T U for a tour and lunch! The A Phi A Delta Chapter President took time from his busy schedule and showed the guys around and joined us for lunch.  He's a double major (Comp Sci and Mathematics) and in the middle of studying for his GRE.
It was a great day!