A Day at DurstCrew- November Core Focus

The ROPP November Core Focus Day was a full one...in more ways than one! The day started with an all-you-can-eat breakfast at Applebee's. A wonderful treat by Bro. Dr. Eric offered in support of his fraternity's fundraiser. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, fresh fruit and orange juice!!! We got the day started off right!
After Applebee's, we headed over to the office of Metropolitan member, Michael Pratt, CEO of Durstcrew, LLC. There, the candidates were introduced to the fundamentals of entrepreneurship. They learned what an "entrepreneur" is, discussed some famous business men and women and learned details about how Bro. Pratt's business works. They took an especially close look at the protective cases for cell phones and other technological devices, a product he promotes both in the US and abroad for Tech 21. He demonstrated how the make up of the main substance used in the cases responds to impact differently than other materials. He even showed how it could be wrapped around his hand in liquid form and hit forcefully without cause any pain!
After learning about the product itself, ROPP candidates learned about the business process from when the idea is first conceived through actual delivery to the stores. Bro. Pratt shared how his spiritual growth was connected to the growth of his company. He encouraged each of the candidates to remember that they can achieve whatever they are willing to work (and BELIEVE GOD) for. After a filling lunch from Bro. Pratt's favorite taco spots, the candidates got to look around the office space and even took turns sitting in the CEO's chair!
The bible verse of the day was Philippians 4:6-9: 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

"Show me the Money!"- October Core Focus

This month was all about the MONEY!! Mr. DeQuincy Adamson, presented a budgeting workshop that helped the candidates spend some time thinking about the difference between wants and needs.

They learned the difference between a cash purchase and financing a large item, such as a car or home.
He provided a hypothetical business budget and the candidates saw clearly how even when businesses make money from a product or service, a lot of it goes to pay for expenses.

Before the finance lesson, Bro. Rowland shared the day's bible verse: Luke 1:79.
"Because of the tender mercy of our God,
by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven
 to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the path of peace."

When ROPP Candidate Zuri reflected on the scripture, she said, "I think it means that when ever you're in a bad situation or ANYTHING, you can go to God, and he will shine his light on you. You can always go to God to be lead to the right direction. And I think God works in mysterious ways, and sometimes he shines his light through people, like people who help the homeless or maybe even your best friend , and she sits down and prays for you. I think that's some ways he shines his light."
A lively discussion took place about how God's light shows up in our lives. It was a pleasure to have Sis. Ardtria and Senior Partner Jeff Taylor on hand to share words of wisdom with the candidates.

 ROPP Candidate Tiffany said," learned a lot about financial things and how to manage your money the correct way. When you are dealing with money, it is important to use on the things you need before you use it on the things you want. It is important to save as early and as often as you can. Also, make sure your money is organized and stick to a monthly budget. Basically just keep up with all of your stuff and the things you do and you will be fine." Sounds like lessons people of every age need to take to heart!

Bro. Terrence stopped by with homemade hearty hoagies for lunch, complete with chips, condiments, pickles and onions! We appreciate the love, Bro. Terrence!

As always, fellowship and getting to know each other is a chief part of the ROPP experience. The sun porch on the Metropolitan Administration building provided the perfect atmosphere for food, fun and fellowship!
We even noticed that the ROPP Candidates have very similar taste in shoes! This was not planned:

After lunch ROPP Candidates were given an optional finance-related puzzle challenge and all four completed it before they left!

Another great day to ROPP and Roll...