2012 Quiz Bowl a Huge Success!

Here are the 2012-2013 ROPP Candidates! They stood and competed in the 2012 IRON SHARPENS IRON Scholastic Bowl on Sunday, November 18th. Although the young men of Drum Majors, Inc left with the championship, the ROPP-ites held their own! The first round was tied, with both teams answering questions on a wide range of questions, from Geography, Religion, Science, Music and more!
The Drum Majors pulled away by the end of the bowl, but everyone agrees that the quiz bowl was enjoyable, informative and exciting!
Spoken word artists, La Love Robinson and Element 615 offered refreshing breaks between the rounds. Sharing skillfully crafted words of wisdom. power and motivation, they both inspired and awed the assembled crowd.

Let's ROPP and Bowl!

On November 18th, ROPP-ites will compete with The Drum Majors of Round Rock in IRON SHARPENS IRON, the 2012 Scholastic Quiz Bowl.
The two teams met each other and participated in a practice session. Team Captain Devoreaux greeted the Drum Majors and Candidate Gabriel led a tour of our church facility.
ROPP Candidate Gabriel serves as tour guide.
Candidate Devoreaux and Drum Major Mitchell work together.

Pastor Mkwanazi greets Drum Major Leaders, Ron and Nicki Sullivan.

Drum Majors Program Director, Nicki Sullivan and
ROPP Director, Lisa Grant Davis